At a Glance:
Sat, May 20th
7:45 AM - Doors Open // Breakfast
8:20 AM - Welcome // Housekeeping
8:30 AM - Call to Action
9:20 AM - Volunteering in Ketchikan
10:20 AM - Break
10:30 AM - Stop Recruiting/Start
11:40 AM - Breakout Session - 1
(Choose One)
12:25 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - Refocusing w/Keith Smith
1:10 PM - Understanding Generational
2:10 PM - Break
2:20 PM - Breakout Sessions - 2
(Choose One)
3:05 PM - Interactive Body Movement Break
3:15 PM - Fundraising 101: Using Volunteers
4:15 PM - Closing
Fri, May 19th
5:00 PM - Languages of Appreciation in
the Workplace
Venue Schedule

Expanding Your Volunteer Base Through Inclusion
Facilitator(s): Keith Smith
How do you currently recruit volunteers? What is the demographic of your current volunteer pool? How do you expand your volunteer base by attracting varying age groups, genders, abilities, and cultures? Is your organization accessible to people with disabilities? Learn strategies to diversify your volunteer base through inclusion.
Board Development: What does this mean?
Lead Facilitator: Kathleen Lite
Facilitator(s): Agnes Moran, Diane Gubatayo, and Lisa Scarborough
The type of board needed depends on the type of organization: their goal, needs, and stage of development. From governing boards to fundraising boards, learn which is right for your organization and how to recruit the right type of multi-generational board members.
Volunteer Management: Best Practices
Facilitators: Romanda
Does your organization have a volunteer application form? Liability insurance? Do your volunteers need background checks or fingerprinting? How do you track volunteer hours? Who acknowledges and oversees your volunteers? Learn what you need and if what you have is sufficient to facilitate volunteerism in your organization.
Youth Engagement
Facilitators: Leah Hayes & Bobbie McCreary
The next generation has a lot to offer, but they need guidance from previous generations. How do you inspire the next generation? Learn how the Bel-Aire Community Outreach program is changing Greenville, SC simply by making meaningful connections with its youth. This community-wide initiative is embracing collaboration in an effort to “bridge the gaps” where youth fall through the cracks. Then, learn how Bobbie McCreary is making a difference in our own community at Ketchikan Youth Initiatives.
Breakout Sessions 2 - Options
Breakout Sessions 1 - Options
Retaining and Recognizing Your Volunteers
Facilitator(s): Lisa Scarborough and Steve
Learning retention and recognition strategies is extremely important in ensuring volunteer fulfillment, but what are local Ketchikan agencies already doing to keep their volunteers coming back for more? Learn what our friends are doing at agencies like Love In Action and the Community Chorus. Share what works for you!
Organizing a Day of Service
Facilitator(s): Leah Hayes
For many, regular volunteering is out of the question. This breakout session aims to build a tradition of a one-day, large-scale, group volunteer activity that will engage the entire community in friendly volunteer competition for a single goal. This is a wonderful opportunity for the whole family to get involved in helping others and making a difference in our community without ongoing obligation.
Mastering Your Meetings
Facilitator(s): Emily Chapel
Find yourself thinking, “I hate meetings.” Or, “We’re just talking in circles.” Time is one of our most precious commodities, and meetings shouldn’t play the role of time thief. In this breakout session, learn to run a highly effective meeting.
AmeriCorps Panel
Facilitator(s): Grace, Zach, Arizona, Jackie
AmeriCorps is often referred to as the domestic PeaceCorps and provides funds to agencies committed to addressing critical community needs in education, public safety, health, and the environment. Thinking about getting an AmeriCorps member? Learn how your agency’s mission fits into the idea of poverty alleviation. Learn about the different types of AmeriCorps and SeniorCorps members and which is right for you, and learn what makes AmeriCorps members successful from AmeriCorps members themselves.